James Micheal Cline Grand Cross Of The Zodiac

James Micheal Cline
The Zodiac X



Identity of the likely Culprit

Please Meet
Grand Square
James Micheal Cline 

Accusations Against A Nightmare Step-Father

Ms. Angela Blevins points the finger at Mike Cline, a stepfather who she accuses him of having poisoned Susan Cline, his wife, with RoundUp Weed Killer, with a Game of Subturfuge. Mike denies that he is a Master Gardener .

Blevins, a resident of the State of Arkansas since December 30, 1972, is the step-daughter. 
This website was developed for Reporting Information known or obtained in emails, photography, court video conversations, legal Deposition of testimony, or legal documents supportedly against suspect known
as Mike Cline an American Businessman.

Case Files For Suspect James Micheal Cline

The predator’s skill to integrate into the local community without noticing his identity as ruthless and the lack of a distinct description have added to the mystery surrounding the case.
We are searching for a middle-aged man caucasian, 5-8 to 5’11 in height, with short brown hair and a widow’s peak hairline. He has an unusual walking style, as his gait is shuffled forward and slumped down. He speaks with a monotoned voice and a drawl, suggesting he may not be from California. However, he was likely in the Navy and wore black boots, size 10.5. Despite these details, the killer’s ability to blend into the local community, and the lack of more information, Zodiac has alluded to all.