The Art of Timothy Thomas/Courtesy
In Midland, Texas, on February 8, 1948, James Michael Cline was born a psychopath, or was he made so by designing a costume embroidered with a cross logo?
Zodiac X is the astrological birth chart information of James Michael Cline, who was born at the time of X as A Grand Cross -Grand Square of the Zodiac since the Age of Aquarius.
We can change clothes or hairstyles, but our astrological identity is with us for life. Mike is the Zodiac because, astrologically, the Time X is in the Age Of Aquarius. In February 1963, the Zodiac ushers in six planets, the constellation Aquarius, following the Moon and the Sun.
Mike Cline is an Air sign, born in the eleventh house, and an Aquarian born in the year of Blood Moons to father Robert Cline in 1948. Mike’s birth chart is squared astrologically X times in tension; his air sign personality is an internal knife wounding his ego.Cherri represents one of his own, a Blood Moon by 1948 Cherri is a target of Shattered Malice of characters to be assassinated.The Cherry Street attack on Paul Stine is the one victim whose name rhythms with his own, Cline.Like Cline, the taxi job is a driver around the bay like his twinkle twin star brother, Mike Cline.
He has weak lungs under the scope of Mike Cline’s physical examination. Mike seems to be comfortable in hospital settings and fascinated with death. However, some greater hope exists concerning the identity markers on DNA details of the right Zodiac suspect reportedly stooped over in a weird way of walking; why is the Zodiac out of sync?
At the age of fourteen, Mike finished with his boyhood in Arkansas. While still working at SW Bell Telephone, his dad took him to Dallas, TX, with him to complete High School. Bob Cline’s father was no fan of the Black Panthers or an Advocate for a Boy Scout. The Circle C ranch was across the road from the local Benton County KKK chapter. Robert Cline learned life skills by taking cattle to slaughterhouses near Zodiac, TX, with his grandpa. Where expected, he knew how to hogtie, handle livestock properly, and know-how to Knot and slaughter any animal on the farm, chicken, hog, or cow.
Mike’s mother, Pearl Moon, was an Irish orphan. At fourteen, she was a child bride and married Robert Cline. She got pregnant with Bob’s child while still playing with dolls.The first child was Patricia Cline (Morrison), born in 1931. She married a jazz musician from New Orleans, who died as a young man. Eventually, she left New Orleans as a widow to Texas as a successful real estate agent, getting somewhat wealthier after the deaths of two husbands. She moved to San Francisco and sold real estate around the Bay Area, including Presidio, north to Mendocino, and Carmel by the sea. Pat Cline was a lady of rich romantic history who was a widow by death twice before meeting her. Likewise, she later married Ray and, again, widowed a third time. The middle son, Brother Leon, was born in Texas in 1933, in the Beatnik culture of their time; no one stood between Pat and her younger brother Leon. Leon enlisted and served his country as a Merchant Mariner in his early days. He became a veteran wanderer, the father of three, often missing in action. Leon ended his life in the winter of 1987 at the Circle C farm. Robert Leon, Mike’s elder brother, was buried in the cow pasture at LF, soon joined by Mary, their Momma. We laid them to rest together, mother and son. Leon was first to go near the big tree by the pond at LF at Circle C to a Gated abandoned cemetery erected; it was a family resting spot.
The pasture meets at the state fish hatchery in a lane behind Fishback Rd. The Circle C property is by a state hatchery’s dirt lane at the back door to their Momma’s kitchen by the field of cows. A backdoor inside the farmhouse is addressed at LF, adding US Postage.A little z sometimes addresses an envelope and stamps it because it has a moon. It symbolizes mothers near Punkin Hollow, where Mike Cline left for Dallas with his father, Robert.
In Dallas, at age 14, Mike wants to become a man. His records indicate that on November 22, 1963, at age fifteen, he witnessed the assassination of JFK, the United States’ 35th President.Seeing this may have impacted his desire to kill others for fun and games. It is possibly why Paul Stine was murdered just outside the JFK Highway by Cherry St. (namesake), A parody of games for bored-to-death Mike. I had to wonder, but Mike says in the movie, “It is not how it happens ‘. Mike knows all things the reality of wife, Susan., Mom embeds that idea of Mike being knowledgeable. She trusted all things spoken by him.
The baby of the Cline family, Mike (Little Z), was conceived 14 years after siblings were grown up—eventually, pins set on a homestead in Bentonville, AR. Early in the 1950s, when traveling to SW Bell, father Robert Paul Cline took his son, Mike, along with him, driving Dallas through Texarkana back to Bentonville, AR. Benton County records Holloway Rd. as a full-time cattle ranch in the mid-1950s.
Mike admired his elder brother Leon the most, a Merchant Mariner; Leon shared exotic stories of women waiting as he returned from the sea from port to port, sharing his whale of a fish tales about the beautiful women who desired him. Robert Leon was more like a father figure; Mike greatly admired him 15 years older. Leon was the one man that Mike wanted to be most like him. Not his father, Bob Cline, a wise one not to cross lines of communication with ROBERT, could be as challenging as nails. Spikes is a Texan oilman, rancher, and Sw Telphone man. The Arkansas cattleman built a homestead and established Circle C on Holloway Rd by Fishback Rd. Mike Cline is a coward; he arrived home at his mother’s farmhouse attic hideout from Vallejo, CA, and escaped his nephew Rick’s trailer. In late December 1968, just after completing his US Navy enlisted commission, Mike had some fun with the kids in the Rambler. A Submarine attacked. He is transparent like AIR.
Mike felt the nature of his Air sign, a need to vanish into the thick, foggy night. He was nowhere near the attack, so he quickly shuffled away to Arkansas.
That is how a submarine attacks its logistics—one of Mike’s best skills. Six months later, working under his father’s influence, Mike was laying low in Dallas, TX. He was supposed to be working on installing phone booths. If that was not a riot, he walked off the job. No, he did not ‘quit’ his career at Bell Telephone; he never resigned; he stepped away from the telephone company, eventually returning to Vallejo for more. Now, z is driving their parents, Robert Paul and Mary Moon Cline’s white Mercury Comet, back to California.
The Zodiac’s odd gate is a Kyphosis deformity most likely inherited. Kyphosis is abnormal excessive convex curvature of the spine past the established normal range. Scheuermann’s Kyphosis is the most classic form of Kyphosis and presents as a juvenile. Mike’s extreme-forward shoulders slumped as he rounded off his back; it was distressing his mid-thoracic spine and was why his way of walking had caused him to become hunchbacked, a natural trait. Mike was a hunching juvenile, which became more extreme over his lifetime. Male pattern balding is also a hereditary DNA-marked trait of the Cline family, but wearing a denim newsboy cap with his widow peeking through is unique to Mike Cline. However, We noticed the pattern.
As a Boy Scout with a full head of curly brown hair, it nearly vanished by thirty-something. In his early twenties, the hairline started receding on both sides of the globe, disappearing in mere years to reveal his bald head, rounded, as Officer Fouke correctly describes. His face is not as rounded as Arthur Lee Allen’s but more oval-shaped. Mike Cline does not have Gary Poste’s forehead scars. Still, he does have solid frown lines above his brown eyebrows and black-issued Navy glasses. Sometimes, Mike has used photo corrections to erase his forehead frown lines, which is highly suspicious behavior for a man not involved in theatrics. Or is he? Another condition in childhood is amblyopia, known as lazy eye. Mike has one eye with that condition on his medical profile. The autoimmune disorder also had presented, causing a severe thyroid condition, often making him sleepy with unexpected weight fluctuation. Hashimoto’s disease is hereditary, with solid roots that document other genetic tendencies in a lineage. Mike kept his head down and stooped over, working quietly.
He is wearing his Levi blue jeans and a denim cap. Most of the time, he was puffing on a Marlboro cigarette, which may have caused a severe gum recession issue only resolved by tissue grafts and more dental surgery sometime in his mid-30s. In general, Mike was in poor health coming through our door into Susan West’s life. I thought, “Why this one, Mom?” Mike was a project. Mom wanted a sincere companion, someone with whom she could find refuge. Mike appeared clingy, and that matched her ideal type.
It was just out of the sixth grade in the summer of 1978; by now, my mother had twice divorced. If she married Mike, she said she would not; I knew he would not be a father to me. Later, while listening to adult conversations concerning Mike in the past, we overheard that Mike had become hospitalized at the beginning of his Navy career. He had to restart boot camp with another company because his pneumonia was so bad that it damaged his lungs, and he had a severe infection. While at Training Command Great Lakes, Mike had stayed at the Naval Hospital. Later, he did not join his company, being re-recruited to Naval Training San Diego for Electronics, which he completed.
Career and Interests In 27 years of a corporate career, Mike held many positions and job titles, and he was once the owner of his own little downtown art gallery for “framing people’. With a borrowed sum, his father purchased The Frame Shoppe, originally owned and operated in downtown Rogers, AR, by the Frisco Railroad during the mid-1970s-80s. Mike was framing other people as his hobby art. He squared them to size, cut the matting with an Exacto knife, then bound them perfectly to measure. Does this job profile, ring cryptology, taunting cut-outs for the Zodiac letters, Halloween Cards to Paul Avery, or some other crafty type send out taunting mail?
After his marriage to Susan, Mike eventually sold the Frame Shoppe to earn a living with a retail giant. He applied with the retailer Wal-Mart at their General Offices in Bentonville, AR. Pressures took their toll on Mike now and again, acting miserable, just married in disguise as a born-again believer. Brother Dale Thompson baptized Mike at The Emanuel Baptist Church of Rogers, AR, in the mid-1980s. Before that, he worked part-time jobs here and there, KURM AM Radio spinning records and writing a weekly ad column in Bella Vista, Arkansas, a small village press.RIP 1989, Dana Stidham goes missing from her concerned family, a farming family living on Holloway Rd. in Hiwasse, AR. Dana Stidham worked near Mike’s newspaper office in Town Center at Phillips grocery, last seen alive. Eventually, Mike was hired and worked for Walmart at their general offices, starting part-time at a Help Desk.
Fast-forward to 2011, a historic downsizing scandal shakes up big business. Mike needed to prepare for what happened next. He was terminated after 27 years, caught off guard. It so happened that he had risen through the ranks associated with the highest-level management at the company, VP Tom Coughlin, who referenced Mike Cline online on Linkedin as a business partner. He described Mike as the most honest, trustworthy man of integrity that he had ever worked with in his history. Nevertheless, because Coughlin’s own failed career ended with felonious activity, it was concerning. The FBI arrested Coughlin, which worried me even more about what Mike Cline could do for money. Mike had previously maintained a position requiring much international travel to Sam Clubs. Mike was on location in all US states for store openings. One assignment for six months was living and working in Germany. He was to initiate the doors of Sam’s Clubs in European locations.
As a self-styled learner on the go, he taught himself the German language to take the European assignment. When Mike desires to do something, he is committed, body and soul, to any task he completes the task. Quickly, Mike became the expert consultant; he gave us a report like an old pro. Mike, a Dale Carnegie, typed manual, or, if need be, speaking the language fluently enough. Mike is adaptive, capable of initiating tasks as expected or being prepared in a moment, and having a backup plan ready to implement shortly. Mike speaks Spanish. A proficient writer published under a newspaper ad column in Bella Vista during the 1980s at a Bella Vista weekly newspaper. Mike was also part-time spinning records, the oldies but goodies, on KURM AM Radio as a night DJ. Coincidently, these jobs Mike held during a high school graduate period, Dana Stidham went missing. Mike was part-time in several communication outlets, including a farmer’s market organized by his planning talent.
On September 16, 1989, Dana went missing after shopping at Phillips Grocery. She was home on her family’s rural Hiwassi farm home and agreed to fetch her father some medicine. Reportedly, a Blackman or a suspected classmate from the community named McMillan could be involved. The fact is that someone gets control of her car with a trick, fiddling around with the back of her tire, obviously a forced abduction. She was lost to her family, not ejecting herself out of the car on the passenger side. Dana Stidham vanished without a trace for some weeks until her remains were recovered in the east Bella Vista woods. One odd thing was that her sternum was never located. A flat, smaller midline skeletal bone is missing from the remains. Coincidently, all her bones were found in pristine condition, including the shoulder bones with an indication of nick near the humeral head, a sign the murder may have been by knife.
The McMillan suspect ended the investigation because he was fond of his classmate, who was only guilty of having a big crush on Dana. Mr. McMillan defends himself poorly, but at that point, police dismiss him from the investigation, lacking a real motive or anything evidence-related. Consider if the Zodiac is a father or a stepfather, Mike Cline. Moreover, no one knows that stepfather-father Robert Cline married into the McMillan family during this same timeframe. A time of a murder investigation of young Dana Stidham, a high school graduate working in the deli at the local town center grocery.
The widow, B. McMillan, wed again to widower Robert Paul Cline at the Benton County Courthouse; both were seniors in their seventies.
Shortly after the wedding, they moved to assisted living together, husband and wife. They both sold their farms on Holloway Rd and ended their days residing there.
No evidence exists that the McMillan boy was guilty of the crime of murdering the Dana Stidham girl, but somehow, rumors circulated by newspapers and implied a guilty classmate.
Coincidently, Mike Cline was the ad man and started writing for the small Bella Vista, Arkansas newspaper. He was spinning records as the late-night DJ reporting local news at KURM Rogers, Arkansas.
Could Dana represent the Zodiac’s promise to FRAME someone for his killing activities? Let us imagine one who pulls a common thread and finds a man named Mike Cline with characteristics—a real McCoy. Father’s family is part of the notorious lineage of Devil Anse Hatfield by association with Percy Cline and Rosa Anna of the McCoy clan. A feud that was historically started over a hog being tied. Brian Hartnell reported a Southerner’s drawl. Mike Cline is in the Ozarks growing up in his boyhood; Appalachian DNA is a sign of Welsh ancestry.
Mike’s mother, Mary Moon, is Irish and quilted at the same county fair competitions as Bea McMillian. Back in the 1950s-early ’60s, at the Circle C farm, Mike went to school at Bentonville, and after classes, he earned pins and badges of an American Boy Scout.
Mike loved doing macrame, hobby arts, or sewing Boy Scout uniform badges. Remember that Zodiac expressed a desire, a badge joke, to be happy. He makes funny zodiac jokes, asking the newspapers to print that he expects people to start wearing Zodiac buttons. Obviously, in the Boy Scouts, Mike had pin envy, needing to prove his skills better than other boys. Athletic and with prowess despite eye or spinal conditions, he can attack, attack as well as another boy or better, he bets. He first pinned or received desired badges while learning early to tie knots in the Boy Scouts, which is handy for the Navy or binding victims in Santa Rosa, California.
Personality and Lifestyle we met Mike at the age of 28. He is wearing Levi shrink-to-fit denim jeans, a Jim Morrison poet-styled reddish-brown beard, a blue plaid flannel shirt, and a pocket with a red pack of Marlboro in the front pocket. And a white T-shirt under his button-up. He is in glasses with flip-up lens shades, black boots, and standing up straight, about 5’11. Mike wears a widow peak hairline peeping out around his balding head, wearing his newsroom denim writer cap, attire trying to pull off his best Jim Morrison persona. His newest look since he went missing from the doors around California St. Mike pulled into the 913 S 13 St driveway. In Rogers, AR, in 1978. That is where we met a man with a white Mercury Comet, a 1962 model with emblems on both the right and left sides by headlights. The interior of the backseat is covered up conspicuously, involving hundreds of McDonald’s white with Golden Arches bags covering the floorboard and pouring over the backseat seats where seats are entirely covered up in crinkled McDonald’s sacks with no place to sit.
Mike Cline documented he was hanging out at the local hospital in 1977 trying to get into patients’ rooms, explaining to read to them when asked by the administration not to be going into rooms unannounced like this for insurance issues against the hospital. Later that week, Mike, 1976, was hired as suggested by the nuns to the hospital’s HR staff; he applied for employment and took the job as an orderly. Susan was admitted with a collapsed lung and is in a room with Mike. Mike has explained how he met her at Rogers, AR—St—Mary’s 1200 Walnut in 1977. After Susan’s stay at the hospital, Mike quits that job, and soon after, he begins dating a newly divorced woman with two daughters, Jack and Angie.
Astrology, astronomy, or horoscopes Mike Cline was known for his understanding of planets, the moon, and stars. He was into Palmistry in 1978; when we met, he predicted a dark forecast for a 12-year-old girl. Once, we overheard conversations with Mike, telling Susan that her daughter, Angie, would die young because her hand-palm lines tell Mike.
Mike was so concerned with our astrology assignments that he convinced Susan to visit the astrologer in San Francisco. Susan’s boyfriend is now Mike Cline, doing whatever he thinks is brilliant. It is 1978. Mom drove us to San Francisco from Arkansas during summer break to have birth charts and horoscope palm readings done in Frisco. None of our friends returned from junior high school break, saying they had gone to San Francisco for the astrology reports. That is what we did. Mike convinced her, and he had arranged our trip to meet his affluent sister Pat Morrison, who resided at Waldo’s Point gate 5, where Paul Avery had once lived. Pat Morrison arranged the astrology appointments. Mom and I were escorted to the astrologist for a younger Leo reading for Angie because Mike needed to know all about her past lives.
Was Mike strategic planning on how to kill Angie at age 12? Mike regrets that he could not touch the hair on her head. Mike, did that one time only? Leo Chapman’s grandpa, lumberjack Lou, would have destroyed him one last time. And for good this time! Mike is a secret nemesis enemy from the beginning who killed Cactus instead of her and watched her cry. He wanted to hurt someone and have complete control over Susan; at least he could watch Angie cry over a little dead gift, a feline frothy-mouthed under the pine tree, a beautiful calico cat, targeted by none other than Zodiac after his snooping around reading how much love for Cactus written in Angie’s diary. While never far from the action, Mike watched someone cry for Cactus.
Arriving back from California’s deadly fog, Mike moved into his parents’ attic with a typewriter. We saw and played around with it; the black typewriter ribbon was torn and scattered, with his tarot cards nearby. His typed letter in 2015 goes on about his returning home from San Fran in a dark fog of depression concerning the afterlife and God’s accurate identification. He ends the statement with the greatest despair that he cannot understand or know God. Questions aside for disguises to Holloway Rd attic where he hides his deadly escape path through the back door LF (lane in Back of Fish hatchery; Fish-back Lane), our minor z groin up fishing in a pond nearby the great pumpkin hollow. He is coming through the backdoor into Momma’s house. Quiet as a barn mouse, Lil Z, all grown up in the Age Of Aquarius, Time X is the personal astrology information of the Zodiac who wrote about Blood On The Moon; the blood was on the cattle ranchers’ hand. The almanac of suspicious Blood Moons at Mike’s birth in 1948 in Midland, TX, is unique. As a recruit in San Diego undergoing Naval training and ready to deploy to “Connect-i cut” Connecticut, New London, before Halloween in 1966, Mike frequented the library, Cherry-picking Bates. Mike likes reading more than only comic books; he always wants a library card or two in his wallet. Mike has seen every cowboy Western genre movie produced, for that matter, every old black-and-white Fu Man Chu episode. He has an eye for adventures; he can write about them in detailed stories about his fantasy. His slant read between the lines is the enormous creative process of telling us lies, sometimes necessary for us to judge accordingly.
He is relaxed, the most confident and intelligent man alive, worthy of being a consultant and telling everyone what to do. That is Mike trolling on the down low. He is wise; we need to be more innovative. Mike thinks that way. After the Navy, Mike is discharged, trying to figure out what to do next. He enrolls in Marin Community College at Kentfield, nearby, where student hitchhiker Wendy Allen went missing that year. Mike Cline is Zodiac attending.
Zodiac Killer Cases and Suspicious Theories They had gone to the park at Lake Herman Rd for a while, driving parents Rambler, and there was a curfew due to home by 11 pm. That night, it did not happen as planned. Mike Cline’s records will relocate him to the Bay Area community a second time after the 1968 murder spree on a couple of high school kids who died in the Rambler submarine. Presumably, another vehicle parked behind the kids in a submarine wagon attacked at close range when David Faraday was shot in the head, and Betty Jensen was shot 5 five times in the back. Shortly after police found the ghastly scene, both were found dead with no clue who the individual was responsible. Whoever did this, it was agreed, he is a psycho killer.
In the past, a Rambler Station Wagon was referred to as a submarine because it was a big tube-shaped vessel that symbolized a submarine boat for someone in the Navy. A Navy guy who owned a Rambler mentioned online that he called his Submarine a Rambler out of fondness for his old Navy boat.
Dream Symbols and Dream Interpretations was a course taught by Mike Cline somewhere around the Bay Area as a class facilitator—speculation, possibly at Webster St. Temple in Cow district or a Marin Community College campus. Mother’s new boyfriend, Mike, taught us to interpret dreams as a young girl. He mentioned holding a class and discussing specific dreams while living in San Francisco. Mike helped us recognize alternate information by examining dreams in my youth. It is agreed that symbols in dreams have alternative meanings and that symbols have secret metaphorical meanings.
Mike’s military service at sea was completed after his discharge, and both feet were back on solid ground, now squatting with a family member in Vallejo for a while. Mike admired Rick Morrison, a nephew and a pal, and Pat Morrison, his sister, a very connected real estate agent. Her friends, who were affluent characters, writers, doctors, lawyers, and astrological society members with transactions in real estate, made her richer in life; Mike was on accounts living in the area property at Mill Valley, Marin. Sis is a successful writer-real estate agent, and property developer with a houseboat docked at Waldo’s Point. Paul Avery was a journalist best known for reporting on Zodiac at the San Francisco Chronicle. Avery lived at Waldo’s Point, too. Mike likely met Paul Avery while visiting there; Zodiac targeted Avery on October 28, 1970, when a Halloween greeting card was received addressed to ‘Secret Pal”. Paul Avery was affluent in the Bay Area. A notable person connected the Waldo Point houseboat community to Mike by quickly turning off the Golden Gate Bridge in Sausalito to the right.
Pat’s property at Waldo’s Point resembles Paul Avery’s houseboat, used in the 2007 movie. This area has been trending with artists and writers for decades. Pat, a writer herself and owner of a houseboat property at Waldo’s Point, pointed out that she is a neighbor of San Francisco Chronicle writer Paul Avery. Was he a client of hers?
Zodiac challenged Paul Avery to read the Halloween greeting card, taunting ‘Pal,” indicating a casual relationship or signifying they had met. Furthermore, did Paul Avery meet Mike Cline through a relationship with Pat Morrison, the real estate agent and real estate deal maker?
Pat Morrison is a sister who once lived in Bentonville, AR, in the Great Pumpkin Hollow, Holloway Rd. The infamous Halloween card was addressed with a moon, partly because it is a long way from California to the backdoor of LF (Fishback Lane). A location for a 14-year-old elf skeleton groins up in Punkin Hollow.
A pumpkin on a skeleton hides his groin (erection) age. Mike erected The ZODIAC. Get it? Isn’t Zodiac puny? In Hinduism, a cow symbolizes high regard and motherly love. A Moon stamp moo-cow Mother—Mary Pearl Moon and Patricia—is a sister momma associated with a female energy and astrological identity as a Moon.
Mike Cline is a name within the Bay Area, nearby scenes in question that even sonar waves would detect him by the Great Lakes.
5’11 in the bushes, hunched over in a particular type of boots made to repel electricity, already completed San Diego’s Naval Electronic Training Center or a Command at Connect-i-cut after a quick stop at Riverside Library before being commissioned in New London.
Finally, on December 20, 1968, it had happened a marine who was anxiously awaiting his discharge from the Navy. Quickly, Mike left the Bay Area for Arkansas and then off to work in Dallas, TX, likely concerned about the event on Lake Herman Rd. He took a job, and his father’s influence helped him get at Southwestern Bell in Dallas as a phone booth installer. A few months later, nephew Rick Morrison visited Mike in Dallas with Linda, Rick’s new girlfriend.
The couple encourages Mike to tag along, returning to life around the Bay Area and the post-hippie lifestyle of San Fran’s late 1960s culture.
They are studying Hinduism at the Webster Street Temple. The San Francisco Bay Area was more alluring for Mike. Dallas was depressing; it was without a family, no friends, and living only on a paycheck, week to week. He agrees with Rick, and Mike heads back to California. Why not study Hinduism, with Rick saying it might lead to enlightenment? Mike was suffering the identity issue: where does he belong in life with God, the most confusing subject matter depressing his soul to weary of brooding in deep blue anguish.
On the fly, Mike sways to Rick’s companionship and vanishes from Dallas. He left without notice, leaving the phone company off the hook. Now Mike is returning a second time to a Vallejo trailer, squatting in the spare bedroom with thin walls.
He engaged in what he wanted to do next, being a student at Marin Community College at Kentfield, studying computer technology, or facilitating dream or astrology groups somewhere in the Bay Area. Mike plans a meet-up for a dream analyst study group focused on symbolism. He becomes an astrology agent, a class guru with the answers to mystical metaphors. If we tell Mike our dreams, he gives us the answers with a striking talent to recognize that a station wagon is a boat.
The events happened on July 4, 1969, at Blue Rock Springs.
Two young adults were hanging out in the park when suddenly, a second car parked behind them. Shortly before midnight, the driver of the second car blinded the couple with a flashlight and fired a 9 mm Luger at them, then quickly vanished into the foggy night air without a sign but a few details.
Minutes later, a man using a low, monotoned voice calls the police dispatch reporting about a double murder, then makes claims he did it on December 20 at Lake Herman Road, those two kids in a Rambler, to say it all from a telephone booth. Funny, at that moment, Zodiac is playing around with police and making an earnest citizen’s report with exact navigational detailed directions to the crime scene, helping with tips. It was simple enough:
- Just walking away
- Leaving the phone off the hook
- Having some nerdy comic-book-style fun
Zodiac style, playing news reporter vanishing into the night Air, a Sign one clue behind the police as a first responder directly as a villain’s joke. The second clue is a finger as thin as glue, leaving the phone off the hook, admitting his crime to us. For him, it must have been easy to look away, knowing the victims with the police are steps away from his fun advent with only one survivor of four attacks. Mr. Michael Mageau, in his initial statement, said the assailant was a younger guy in his mid-twenties. He might have been driving a Mercury Comet, too helpless to say much more, scared; we can imagine that. Mageau said a younger man in a Mercury Comet shot him and murdered his lovely friend, Darlene Ferrin. Where was the trailer bedroom that Zodiac was squatting in Vallejo? Where was he the night of July 4, 1969, and what bed did he sleep in on October 30, 1966? Mike Cline Bootcamp is at Liberty, stationed at San Diego, near Riverside Library, a few minutes down the highway from Riverside, 25 minutes or less. We reported that Mike Cline visits libraries for much reading, a significant interest! He always reads, or he loves to write. At Marin Community College, Mike studied computer science in night classes while working a day job with Levi Strauss. He lived with his sister at 545 and 549 Edgewood Ave, saving money for his classes. After his discharge from the Navy, the first time he arrived at his nephew’s in Vallejo, California, done with the military, a No thanks to reenlistment. Later, Mike wrote about living in a couple’s spare bedroom, which was less fun than a trailer squatter. Maybe a baby in the crib? The trailer room was not quite enough for Mike to rest. We can imagine why he constantly moans in despair; his passive nature is ready to blow up! He plans to escape to Arkansas after that Blue Rock attack, daring to go alone when his wealthy sister Pat suggests he follow her to 545 Edgewood Avenue in Mill Valley. Stay in Marin, Pat advised her brother Mike to stay in school and get a degree! At least wait a while; staying here on Edgewood Avenue, sometimes working as a handyman at properties around the Bay Area, would be helpful to her. The choice he would sway to her words, so he moved to Mill Valley with his sister in a class that provided a hidden view in the pine trees of Edgewood Ave.
Mike worked days as a merchant display stocker and delivery driver. His job expectation was to load the daily orders from the basement of Levi Strauss into a delivery truck with a key that provided him with a map leading four directions out of the district by Market St. Zodiac exits the factory at 14th & Valencia, heading out of the bay by Dragons Gate near Bush & Grant Ave, and stops as scheduled daily expected events. Mike travels by truck all day along Highway 80 North, far from the sea of people sewing, working on patterns, cutting them to measure, quickly to sewing machines, many embroidered like a hundred submachine guns fired day in and day out. Mike drives away from the Bay Area to fulfill his destiny in a sea of star outlet locations, stocking the shelves with the latest apparel trending Levi Strauss, then quickly heading to the next town to do it again. He calculates time by keeping his eyes on the road and his hand on the wheel, watching his surroundings with a map because you can never know what might happen along the path. Aquarius, Zodiac, vanishes like thin Air while wearing a black leather bib and squared material on his rounded head. Realizing the employment of Mike Cline afforded him access to all the materials needed to design his very own square hooded bib made out of black leather and stitched perfectly with an embroidered cross-like logo on the overlap bib. Mike did it by right-hand stitching on Valencia St. That is where Mike made an authentic costume as Zodiac, designed with a Grand Square to wear on his rounded balding head and a Grand Cross across the Midline bib.
Mike’s square-headed hooded bib matches the astrological identity of his Grand Cross in the age of Aquarius. A cross stitched on the Midline/Midland bib signals the Birth City of Mike’s astrological ID a second time, with a personal design embroidered with a cross symbol.
Bryan Hartnell cited the Zodiac’s bib as perfectly stitched with impressive embroidery.
Just as Levi’s partner, a Reno, Nevada man Jacob Davis, had done, an immigrant who fashioned overalls ideally to make a name for himself that lives on in time, like our notorious Zodiac with his leather hooded design.
Black leather was popular then, and trending vests, hats, pants, and jackets were worn to express that time’s cultural values—fashionable rust-colored embroidered trousers. Flares, polyester fabric, and all the equipment used to craft the disguises donned by the Zodiac were available to Mike at the Levis factory, where he worked around sewing machines, maintenance oils, and 3-foot clothing twines. He made a hoodie bib with needle and thread, just like Levi Strauss’ partner Jacob Davis, making a square-head hoodie to clue us in about his astrological identity, a grand square literally. Is this fun historically?
What is a Grand Square? What do Mike Cline’s squared planetary alignments suggest or predict astrologically about such a particular character?
A mild-mannered delivery guy recently discharged from the US Navy. He was returning to his residence at 545 Edgewood Ave in Mill Valley, high in the pines, a journey safely across the Golden Gate to Marin. Patricia Morrison built a house on this road, 549 Edgewood Ave, where we will meet a blue denim newsboy hat. Mike’s navigational system coordinates some days and routes headed him east 200 miles on Highway 80. He passed through Truckee by Stateline for hours, returning late to post at Levi Strauss. By keeping his head down, Mike is quickly becoming effective on locations. He is proficient at strategic planning by mapping each day with the precision of a nuclear submarine and is trained in logistics.
At least Edgewood Ave was a much better location; more comfort than at the Vallejo trailer. Why? It never felt safe or silent from a knock at the door or a couple moaning happily in love. It is reasonable that the Zodiac would lay awake at night trying to figure out how to escape this situation again to escape the unbearable chance the blue meanies got busy. Just before deciding to leave town again, they convinced him to stay. Mike Cline swayed under the heavy influence of his sister, Patricia Morrison. She is 17 years old. She is a sister momma because they never experienced a childhood together. He was more like an only child of adult family members. Pat felt good enough to tenderly accept brother Mike at her Mill Valley domain. Sometimes, later on, Mike had bizarre conflicts with her about astrology and a particular Nordic goddess. Other influences suggested by nephew Rick that Mike should consider the study of Hinduism with him at the ashram at the Old Vedanta Hindu Temple 29630 Webster St. & Vallejo St. Rick stated that for a happier life, it is best to study the Bhagavad-Gita or other holy Vedic texts. To Mike, he wrote it was No help at all; Mike admitted it; he wrote a letter saying he could not see the value of Sutras or Buddhist text. Mike wrote about a deadly fog on his way around California St and noted it is a dead-end away from Marin.
Mike’s job was to organize the inventory delivered to the department stores, loaded with the latest fashions for the trendy outlets. Mike used display props as he organized things behind the scenes in shelving for all the waist and lengths of authentic Levi jeans. Indago’s, with flared legs, drove up and down the road from one host location outlet to the next and stayed busy Monday through Friday.
Various identities know a character, James Michael Cline, is one within the grid who signifies none other than a perfectly obvious Zodiac suspect who has continued to outwit most of us using his cunning and intelligence.
Did Mike attend Submarine Naval School in New London, CT? Mike Cline’s submarine assignment indicated training-i-cut for his days living in a nuclear submarine. That’s a tribute to the Beatles. Still, it is a problem for Cline being in all the right places that even sonar equipment would detect his secret maneuvers away from Chicago to San Diego at Naval Electronic Training Center and on to his third time around for training in CT after returning books to Riverside Library.
After October 30, 1966, A best guess says that he left San Diego within hours or mere days of Cherri Bate’s murder. However, we know where he went; yes, we do now. It is an excellent thing to find a suspect like Cline. We can start to paint a picture of the Zodiac. It is not a painter we see this time.
When Wal-Mart terminated Mike, my mother told me on the phone, shocked in disbelief. Not long after, Susan E. Cline had to quit after a few more years of employment. She had to get in bed because of some unidentified illness that had gone undiagnosed, drastically changing her retirement due to her falling and becoming too weak to be on her feet. Susan told her eldest daughter in the spring of 2015 that she was going to die less than two years later; it happened, Susan died at the age of 68 of three rare cancers caused by unknown causes or exposers. Later, It was discovered that all three types of cancer Susan suffers are related to a chemical called Glyphosate, used as an herbicide for home gardens called Roundup or equivalent types of bug killers. Three cancers diagnosed after Susan’s death sentence were confirmed to be on the lawsuit list. It was a chemical kept on the Master Gardener’s shelf.
Also, could you tell me why Mike lied about his gardening credentials? Mike used plenty of those chemicals; he confirmed being a Master Gardener in deposition after a little lie: ” No, I am not a master gardener.” “I do not feel like one.” What does that even mean?
Also, could you tell me why to lie about garden facts? Mike lied about the roses. He completed training at the Missouri Online Extension Master Gardeners program a year before her sickness started to show. Why did he have to lie about the care of flowers? Harry’s situation for the attorney who asked Mike, and Mike replied, isn’t Mike feeling like a Master Gardener?
No, he feels like a gravedigger, happy to bury the wife in his new black suit, smiling. Before the death of Susan E. Cline on February 4, 2017, under suspicious circumstances of brewed tea, a newer method formulated for her specific taste was developed by her beloved.
The brew concentrate emerged as perfected southern sweet tea, customized using Equal blue packets in each prepared beverage. The flavor is sweet for Susan, but her tea needs to be prepared and shared in a one-serving pitcher.
More recently, iced tea is prepared individually by glass; it is no longer poured from a carafe for both to share from the same pitcher, as had been the custom for decades. Why change now? Mike knew better how to do it, so he perfected tea time for murder. He formulated Sweet Tea prepared with special flush water added to the concentrate tea brew combined with Equal and crushed ice. Only Mike knew how Susan liked it. Realizing how controlling Mike was about making Susan’s favorite beverage, I had to pause. Only he prepares that beverage, which is his ritual for his wife, with a kiss. Susan worked full time while Mike was home working at the Trails Inn property as a retired old guy in the garden, with a hoe learning flower chemistry to keep the weeds from taking over High Sky Trail Inn.
Why did Susan blurt out that something at the house was killing her when Mike left the room?
To become a Master Gardener, he completed 30 classroom hours of horticultural training at the University Extension program, including a research thesis on related garden subjects, which earned him that recognition. He lied; he flat-out lied. He said, ‘I am not a Master Gardener.”
Then, I began taking notes on Mike’s life and style, examining his values, cultural cues, personal habits, likes and dislikes, health problems, educational history, and hobbies. After reading James Michael Cline closely, I weighed out what I knew about my stepfather. We constructed a timeline, including his former Navy recruitment eligibility on February 8, 1965. At age 17, Mike was located up North in Chicago to boot camp, the Navy Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes, IL.
He was in the infirmary for a while in boot camp, having to restart that process with another company somewhere. Mike eventually commanded the Naval Training Center’s electronics education in San Diego, CA. His career aptitude points to New London, CT, “Home of the Submarine Force,” because Mike was on a submerged boat in the Pacific Ocean for a year.
That vessel would require a black boot, which helped shield electricity on that nuclear station wagon. This boat resembles a Rambler station wagon to attack if considered at close range. We can live together in that tube-shaped submarine house under the sea or parked off Lake Herman Rd. We can attack by firing a gun on the vessel.
In Conclusion Again, Mike wrote about the 1974 events that occurred while fleeing a deadly fog in California. At first, it was concerning because I was reading between the lines. The sunshine’s statement was about emotional and spiritual conflicts causing his deepest despair, so heavy the depression. In some spiritual warfare, he needs no genuine companionship, just keeping his head down, working, and waiting for a revelation from God.
“I escaped the deadly fog of California.”
A fast getaway from the stressful situation of living with a problematic, affluent sister was depressing his reality. Her success was natural enough that his life might be exposed in broad daylight by the narcotic agent who might examine his days and nights more closely. The estate mogul Pat Morrison was deep in an FBI investigation to keep her out of prison.
Throughout the occult, Pat Morrison worships an occult Norse goddess. Pat was a mythology guru, symbology dream intuition, dream analyst, and teacher of esoteric mysticism. Pat was rolling dice in a vision of Paradise City, planning on a big win, ending a cocaine game. A cocaine-a secret pal would be playing with them. Success is a terrible choice if made a mistake, adding more daily drama in details with law enforcement at their FBI agent recruiting her to pose undercover as a lover to be a spy snitch. Forming bonds to a secret incognito drug sting suspect, Mike trails off with a statement after he flees the entire state of California.
“I escaped the deadly fog.” Mike is driving a 1962 Mercury Comet back to where (Bob)Robert Paul Cline’s -dad is waiting, a childhood safety net by the fish farm, safe again upstairs, only a friendly ghost of the past living in the attic. Mike sat alone with his typewriter and memories of pains, breaking down his whole life in the deep blue of the sorrow of despair.
Another crisis in the Air, he turns no hope but a rope while he ties a knot for a planter, hobby, craft, Macramé. Mike loves the knots. He writes about another dead end and says it is the lowest low.
I doubled down, realizing how the letter read, reread it, and decided it was evidently to avoid something in his past. Something must have happened in California; he was so knotty that Mike could not say much about it. Ultimately, he thought it best to escape California by back roads. He drove through Texarkana home at the back door by LF the Circle C farm in Bentonville, AR; it is a farm in Punkin Hollow near Fishback Rd.
The individual, Mike Cline, has these strikes against him, considering the identity issues related to the Zodiac cold case serial killer. Mike Cline enrolled in community college at Marin, a geographical area where some questions of events occurred in a grid. He is located at a provable residence on Mill Valley’s Edgewood Ave, working for Levis Apparel and displaying an inventory of fashion products on-site at local retailers. Warehousing on-site downtown housing for dummies and many working projects on sewing machines, planning routes with company trucks going four directions, and spending a night with school for four years or more. Returning to the Bay Area after his discharge from the Navy in 1975, he enrolled at the University of Arkansas.
In summary, James Michael Cline possesses astrological characteristics, a family and social background, a geographical grid in a profile, a career and educational background, and physical traits that make him an honest person of interest in the unsolved Zodiac Killer cases.
An Arkansas citizen, Mike Cline, is alive and accessible in the Ozarks. With all of the failed attempts to definitively solve the Zodiac decades-old unsolved cold cases, it would seem prudent for authorities to examine this potential suspect while he is still alive.
Citizen ZODIAC & The Blood Moon
Staring James “Mikado’ Cline a cattle ranchers son in Why did Cherri have to die?

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